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Dr. Daniel Bernard

Organizer, Project Management

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Daniel Bernard, Founder and President of Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, believes it is God's desire that the residents of Tampa Bay see a demonstration, not merely a presentation, of God's love for them. As churches, ministries, and businesses work in unity to bring the necessities of life to the underprivileged, the love of God is expressed. Practically, we can do much more together than we can do apart.

As Christians, Daniel and his wife Kathy believe that unity is the key to revealing God worldwide. Jesus prayed for oneness four times in the New Testament (John 17:11, 21, 22, 23). This is the only thing Jesus prayed for four times in His earthly ministries. Jesus didn't believe unity was optional.

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Dr. Jim Garlow


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Dr. Jim Garlow is the Founder and CEO of Well Versed, a ministry to Members of Congress, Ambassadors at the United Nations in New York City, and other elected officials, bringing Biblical principles of governance to government leaders. He served on President Trump’s Faith Advisory team for four years, and has met in small delegations with 10 presidents and prime ministers (and one king) from around the world.

Garlow is an author, communicator, commentator, historian, cultural observer and has served most of his adult life as a pastor. Garlow is heard daily on nearly 800 radio outlets nationwide in his one-minute commentary called “The Garlow Perspective,” and has appeared on numerous national TV shows on NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CNBC and Comedy Central.

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Dr. doug small


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P. Douglas Small is a Bible teacher and prayer leader. He has served as a pastor and on the faculty of a number of accredited Bible Colleges. He is an Ordained Bishop and International Director of Prayer Ministries with the Church of God. He is the founding president of Alive Ministries: PROJECT PRAY, teaching and training through schools of prayer and consultations for congregations and cities, working with pastors, vocational Christians and intercessors. He is chair of the PCCNA Prayer Commission and a member of the Executive Leadership team of the Denominational Prayer Leaders Network. Doug is married to Barbara Ruth with whom he shares five children and twenty grandchildren.


arnold klemm

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Arnie has a passion to see all enter the kingdom of God. He serves America's Prayer Meeting and Project Pray led by Doug Small. He wants everyone to know the power of prayer when we invite God into our world. He is a bi-vocational pastor impacting the marketplace at SAP software and the neighborhood of Joyful House Church in Chicagoland.

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Dai Sup Hahn

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Dai Sup Han serves in the Kingdom of God as a teacher of God’s Word, facilitator of prayer, and coordinator of community outreach for the purpose of fulfilling Jesus’ mandate in Matthew 28:18-20. Dai Sup is a former Los Angeles high school teacher with passion for authentic revival and transformation through understanding “The Father Heart of God” in the Scriptures, mobilizing united prayer in the Body of Christ and meeting the needs of the local community.

He encourages believers across the nation to walk TOGETHER in the reality of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-23. He has been trained in ministry and Bible through Youth With A Mission in Kona, Hawaii and Tyler, Texas, and served on staff with YWAM, Chico, California. Dai Sup is the Founder/National Facilitator of Prayer Surge NOW! - National Conference Call Ministry.

In recent years, he served as the National Prayer Coordinator for Promise Keepers and currently serves as the Billion Soul Harvest Global Summit Conference Coordinator. Dai Sup offers a unique blend of teaching the Word of God along with intercessory ministry in various settings and inspires outreach opportunities to multiple generations, cultures and denominations. He lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with his wife Jill.

Now God has called him to Plant City to serve as Lead Pastor with his wife, Theresa, and his 4 children by his side.

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